The new platforms? – forster, soldiers, mini-jobber

Cheap educational republic

For years, the Lower Sachsian government governed on cheap workforce on all-day schools. Now no fee representation should be completed for the time being. The legal situation has become uncertain

After the schools and parents of the 1.300 full-time schools in Lower Saxony Monthly considerable worries about the condition of their educational institutions, Bernd Althusmann interpreted the old wisdom of the tranquility, which is always the first burger of birth, last Friday in justifiably as a time-proof manner.

"The lump-sum assertion, against school leaders in Lower Saxony will now be determined criminal law, is factually wrong", declared the Lower Sachsian Cultural Minister – and was obviously the opinion of having a really good news spread.

Loss of legal certainty in three days

Who is no longer a new accusation, on Lower Saxony’s schools were more than 10.000 people illegally and many times in the border area of dumping residues in the high of 7.50 Euro, love Lower Saxony KTG-Double (Althusmann: Hauptling Strange Feather?However, still unimpressed. For the facilities "Further legal certainty", the minister participated. Unless you considered the requirements of the Lower Sachsian state school work.

The Niedersachsisches State School Storms Berat’s schools comprehensively and reliable in contract ies, especially for new financial statements.

Bernd Althusmann

Only three days later the cult committee met in the Lower Sachsian state parliament and succumbed to a decision-making CDU minister, which until the end of the 2011/12 school year – more precisely: "Until the final clarification of the legal situation" – the conclusion of honorary contractor. Deutsche Pension Insurance holds fee representation in these documents for "principle not permitted", Shared Althusmann with. He wool this right "technical" give up. But this time there was positive to announce.

Neither pension insurance nor main tarpaulin or prosecutor determine according to our knowledge of criminal law flat against school leaders in Lower Saxony.

Bernd Althusmann

Only a single case wants to be known Althusmann, but the knowledge of the Ministry of Education, which after remembrance of German pension insurance already 2007 "intensive" About the contentious situation "clarified" was not necessarily coinciding with the comments of other observers. Maybe this is about a mass criminal offense.

This is especially true if representative teachers or care for all-day schools were only procured as a self-standing in all-day schools and it was de facto in terms of instruction-dependent employees who did not pay social security contributions.

The Hanover Labor Court has already dealt with the topic several times – not excluded that Niedersachsen’s schools (or the state fund) had to pay many million euros social security contributions to pay or reformulate themselves.

Forster to teachers

The Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and many of her party friends proclaimed "Educational republic" costs billions, the federal government, countries and municipalities either missing or otherwise planned. So not only universities and universities are steadily growing problem harrows, but also Kitas, kindergarten and schools. The union education and science (GEW) has been watching for quite some time, like the school area "deprofessionalized" and especially privatized.

In this way, the schoolers learn about side entrants in the profession, company representatives, engineers of Telekom, in public service overflowed Forster, the "Teach first-fellows", Educational spade, coaches and slots, precare, mini-jobber, volunteer and recent youth officers of the Bundeswehr.

Gew: Privatization Report 12

Not even the forest and wildlife converted to ‘converted forest and wildlife are an eternally angry trade unionist, because "Forster to teachers" is a part of the Hessian Future Security Act as a vocational training law. Consequently, the Bundeswehr may also be called to help with 94 youth officers to contribute their part to the political education of subsequent generations.

Whether in Afghanistan, in Kosovo or at the Horn of Africa – conflicts that seem far away, also influence our lives. The youth officers of the Bundeswehr help schoolers to understand this complex context. They are methodical-didactic trained and offer a school-friendly lessons.

Federal Ministry of Defense: Suggestions – Youth Offices in the Classroom

The degree of state of the Minister Althusmann dives in the Gew report, which was published in May 2011, under the transfer "Illegal tolerate in Lower Saxony" on. The black-yellow state government has been pursuing a rigid austerity program since 2004, which only provides all-day schools with a narrow budget for additional staff. The institutions are virtually forced, "Completive contract with external power".

But in the red-green-ruled Bremen it did not look better for a long time. In the schools work around 1.000 external worked, many of them as a mini-jobber far outside a social security contribution assistance.

Only in February 2011 was the "Schools schools" The conditions for the Padagogical Employees clearly improve, in which a service agreement with Educational Senator Renate Jurgens Pieper was closed. In addition to the principle "Equal pay for equal work" Should a right to increase and the permanent employment contract with social insurance obligation will be the rule.

A fundamental commitment to the small educational republic on the Weser was probably not connected. Jurgens-Piper wants or is to reduce their budget once again by 1.2 percent, hour rashes and raising the pension limit provide for additional displeasure. Petra Lichtenberg, Chairman of the staff council, was not long time to enjoy the conclusion of the service agreement: "Since 1995, 1000 teachers have been reduced – although the school numbers have hardly changed since then."

Honeycomb in Hamburg and 400 Euro jobber in Bavaria

In January 2011, Ties Rabe, SPD Member Interested in the Burgery of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, already burning for the subject of fees to Hamburg schools – primarily with a view to the emerging litigation in the neighboring Lower Saxony. Two months later, Rabe himself became a senator for school and vocational training and since then still likes to know, "How to organize learning claim so that you can run over my fees".

Serious fee representation are a meaningful means and should also be used in the art to provide the school all-day operation and to offer tutoring lessons. For a premature scoring of honorary contractor or a stop new fee representation, there is no reason if all those involved comply with the corresponding regulations.

Ties raven

The Social Democrat would like to use the fees in the afternoon care or in the field of tutoring, but also his planning is the German pension insurance in the way, which at 300 schools 2.500 trap from the years 2006 to 2010 wants to examine. Raven has therefore commissioned specialists with the preparation of a sample employment contract in order to go out of the way at least in the future.

The opposition, however, already wids moral air. The left mutmabt a demand of black work and social security fraud on the part of the new school work, while the Union lapses through which its own party friend in Lower Saxony has quite similar problems and the period of 2006 until 2010 is falling into its own reign of.

Although the Senator has been aware of the problems of its spokesman for months, he has operated a massive expansion of the fees for the fee without informing the schools or Parliament on the risks and to make a clarification for a clarification.

Robert Heinemann, CDU Deputy in Hamburg and School Political Speakers

The Total Personnel Council for Personnel to State Schools (GPR) considers the topic not only under the aspect of any financial risks for the school workers, but as part of an increasing precariation of employment procedures that do not provide any collateral to those affected.

They will be involved, especially in schools. (…) Some have the colleagues 4 and 5 different jobs. So give Z.B. in the afternoon homework help, or you supervise the children at lunch and in the lunch break. You will also be used as a pause view or give courses in crafts, music, self-defense etc ..

Example: A district school with CA. 1.300 Schulerinnen copies approx. 70 so-called fees. The hourly wage for 45 minutes at the moment amounts to 15.96 €. However, thereby still go taxes etc. away. Billowed hours only worked hours, so no money is paid in case of illness of the fee force. For the holidays and holidays the same applies.

GPR: Arm through work in schools – precare business conservation

"In the Suden it is best learned" ..

… says the Bertelsmann Foundation, who in the presentation of their mammoth project of German Lernatlas a few days ago "Significant sud-north enclosure" to determine believed. In terms of all-day school, however, the situation differs only insofar as the situation in Northern Germany, when the entire school form is considered by the state government with suspicion.

Klaus Wenzel, the Prasident of the Bavarian Teacher and Teacher Association, hold the variant of open all-day classes preferred by the Ministry of Education but simply for one "Billing".

In open all-day offers, the Schuler in the afternoon are only supervised – often of 400 euro jobbern. They are neither educated, nor do they bring experience or profession. The school lines are instructed on them, because their budget is too low to recruit specialist personnel. In smaller municipalities trained personnel is also in short supply.

Bavarian Teacher and Teacher Association

However, in Bavaria, there have been a guideline of the State Ministry for lessons and cults in which it is unambiguously established that a fee force is neither directed nor obliged to follow the methodological-didactic instructions of the school management. The transfer of the lesson from the teaching staff to fees is explicitly excluded overdies.

JUSTIZIABLE Pre-yields will be possible in these cases therefore can not be raised. But there are a few different ..